Coccyx Seat Cushion by VIVE

I'm 42 years old and sometimes I feel like I'm twice that age. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, arthritis and I have three herniated/bulging disks in my lower back and some in my neck . So you can imagine my happiness when I was able to purchase this during a special promotion. It is such a superb item that I had to provide my own personal opinion and honest review.

I can honestly say I wish I had gotten the Coccyx Seat Cushion by VIVE before. I was using a regular cushion and even a pillow sometimes to try and alleviate the pain and pressure that happens when I'm sitting for way too long.

I love the way that it is shaped. When I sit down on it, I can immediately feel the relief of the pain and pressure in my lower back. It doesn't get flat when I'm sitting on it for a long time. The firmness is just perfect. I no longer feel the numbness under my butt or my on my thighs from the sciatica pain that happens when I've been sitting for way too long.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone that suffers from any back pain and pressure issues but especially if you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time. This is s MUST buy!!!

Go HERE to buy the Coccyx Seat Cushion by VIVE


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